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  • OVC


The LiFT Little Angels


The LiFT Little Angels Orphanage Home is a Child Care Center established by LIFT in 2019 to meet the needs of care giving, support and quality education to Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in the society.

The Home is designed to be a place of refuge, protection, and safety for any child who is brought in. Within the period of stay, LiFT will ensure that each child receives a comfortable accommodation,…

Missions Trip

Missions Trip

Love is the root

Missions Trip

Love is the root of missions; sacrifice is the fruit of missions. – Roderick Davis

The root of missions can be traced right from God Himself. The reason He set out to look out for Adam in the garden, immediately after the fall is same why He sent Jesus to die for the salvation of mankind. And that same reason is why He has sent you and I to make of…



We periodically take these


We periodically take these little angels for excursions at some prominent places to balance the social lives of the OVC in our care.



LiFT as a Mission


LiFT as a Mission organization has but only one Mandate, TO OBEY THE CALL TO MISSIONS. God has placed several needs around us and has equipped us to respond to such needs; Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional. This we do through;

  1. Church Planting; among unreached people groups; and
  2. Discipleship.

Matthew 28:19 says “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”…

Water Project

Water Project

Through our Give Me

Clean source of water for Sibeng Gomu tribe in Taraba State2

Water Project

Through our Give Me A Drink Project (G-ME-D Project), we have been providing clean portable drinking water to undeveloped core rural communities by drilling boreholes and/or digging water Wells/water purification equipment and methods as the Lord provides.

We successfully provided clean source of water for Sibeng Gomu tribe in Taraba State.

Medical Mission

Medical Mission

To God be the

Medical Mission

To God be the glory, we successfully carried out 2 medical missions; the first at Dadom, and the second at Lakashalak.

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